Well­being ser­vi­ces coun­ty of Kai­nuu – at your service

Well­being ser­vi­ces coun­ty of Kai­nuu (Kai­nuun hyvinvointialue)

pro­vi­des so­cial wel­fa­re and health ca­re ser­vi­ces. At this si­te you find in­for­ma­tion of  

  • ur­gent health ca­re in Kai­nuu
  • ser­vi­ces of a den­tist (pub­lic health ca­re) in Kai­nuu
  • fa­mi­ly cen­ters (incl. ma­ter­ni­ty and child health cli­nics)
  • client fees.

Basic information on vaccines

Vaccines are used to create immunity against infectious diseases. Many of these diseases have already been eradicated from Finland, and vaccines have also reduced their incidence worldwide. Basic information on vaccines

In emer­gen­cy si­tua­tion, plea­se use na­tio­nal emer­gen­cy te­lep­ho­ne num­ber 112.
Learn more and check ERC FINLAND pages.
Call the emer­gen­cy num­ber if the­re is an emer­gen­cy th­rea­te­ning your li­fe, health, pro­per­ty or en­vi­ron­ment or you ha­ve rea­son to sus­pect such a th­reat.

  • Call the emer­gen­cy te­lep­ho­ne num­ber in per­son, if you can.
  • Exp­lain what hap­pe­ned.
  • Gi­ve an exact add­ress and mu­ni­ci­pa­li­ty.
  • Ans­wer any ques­tions as­ked.
  • Fol­low any gi­ven inst­ruc­tion.
  • Do not ring off un­til gi­ven a per­mis­sion to do so.
  • Di­rect ca­re­gi­vers on­to the si­te.

Kai­nuu is a fo­re­run­ner in Fin­land in terms of in­teg­ra­ting pri­ma­ry health ca­re ser­vi­ces with spe­cia­li­zed me­di­cal ca­re as well as so­cial ser­vi­ces. Kai­nuun hyvinvointialue is the big­gest emp­lo­yer in the re­gion with about 4000 emp­lo­yees.
Learn about so­cial and health ca­re in Fin­land:

Kainuun hyvinvointialue employer introduction:

Introduction  to MyKanta– a guide for citizens

MyKanta is a nationwide online service intended for citizens  to view their health data. Social welfare client data are also gradually being added to the service. In MyKanta, you can  see the information that has been recorded about you  in the Kanta Services, i.e. Kanta. When you visit a public or private health care provider,  a pharmacy, or a social welfare service provider, information about your visit is entered in Kanta. Social welfare and health care professionals record information about you when you visit a doctor or manage your social welfare affairs with your case worker, for example. In MyKanta, you can also act on behalf of another person,  such as your child or a loved one.